Arden’s Gonna Rock!

Arden’s Gonna Rock!

Why don’t you sign him up for a music class?

This was some sage advice from my neighbour as she stood with one toddler on her hip and another playing on the driveway one morning. She must have sensed the familiar loneliness of my new mom status and my dying need to get out of the house more often.

I thought, music class? But he’s just a baby! All he does is nurse and sleep and well, look incredibly adorable doing so. But craving for interaction with the adult world, and knowing the virtues of babies and music, I thought this could be what I was looking for.

As I climbed up the stairs toward the awaiting Monkey Rock Music group, I experienced that first-day-of-school feeling. Will Arden like it? Will I like it?

I sat in the circle, introduced myself to a few exhausted but happy new moms. There was lots of nervous chatter, cooing over babies. “Is your baby sleeping through the night? Where did you get that onesie?” It was an easy going, relaxed group and I felt instantly at ease.

And then the guitar began … ‘Hey Monkey Rock’  Kieran sang, smiling a big goofy smile and tapping his toe to his lively tune. I found myself clapping along as Kieran called out each and every one’s name to his cheerful music…

‘Arden’s gonna rock!… Arden’s gonna rock!’….

And so began 40 minutes of some of the most enjoyable times Arden and I had in those early days.

I would bring my coffee, hug Arden into my lap, and share a laugh with fellow moms.  I felt normal again. And relieved others were feeling and experiencing the same ups and downs with their little ones. Yes, even though I was singing ‘doo doo a doodly doo’ and clapping my hands together like a shark, I felt in touch with the outside world.

More importantly, I bonded with my baby immensely as we ritually dressed in our ‘sunday best’ every Friday and sang along in class. I marveled at how Arden interacted with the other babies. And later on, how outgoing and full of character he was within the group. I could really see his personality coming through and that was an important part of our bonding together.

Arden has ‘grown up’ with his friends at Monkey Rock Music and now he’s in daycare, onto his new adventure. I’ll miss our weekly time together at Monkey Rock. I’ll miss the camaraderie of singing silly songs with the other moms, sharing advice, and most of all, I’ll miss watching Arden’s beautiful eyes light up when he hears that familiar guitar , and those words,

‘Arden’s gonna rock…Arden’s gonna rock’…

Parent Blog submission written by Katie Didyk

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