What is Monkey Rock Music?

What is Monkey Rock Music?

MonkeyRockMusic-1 (23)We don’t teach children to play music; we teach children to love music.

Monkey Rock Music is a fun, entertaining and creative participatory music program for young children and their adult caregivers.  Our primary goal is to instil a love of creating and experiencing music that will last a lifetime. Nothing has a stronger impact on a child than enjoying an activity with the people they love.

The way you captivate the children’s attention and your gift of music is such a talent and I am so grateful that Bella was in your class.
– Nathalie

Monkey Rock Music classes are tailored to different age groups. Babies under twelve months engage in fun musical games and activities with their caregivers. Toddlers 1 to 2 years old enjoy more movement, as they learn to be more comfortable interacting with other children through music. Kids from 2 to 4 years old clap and dance along to action-oriented songs, singing and contributing their ideas to the class. Children can join our programs from birth – we’ve taught babies as young as 6 weeks old!

For information about enrolling in our classes, call (613) 421 0590 or email us at info@monkeyrockmusic.com.



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